General Member Information

Any person 18 and older who subscribes to the purposes of this club shall be eligible to apply for membership. Junior memberships are also available. Regular members in good standing shall enjoy all club privileges including the right to vote and hold office.

Membership dues are currently $16 per individual ($24 per family) per year and are payable on January 1.  A reminder email will be sent in November with instructions for mailing dues to the Treasurer.

All members are required to work at a BRAC trial at least once per year.

All members in good standing are eligible to vote at any meeting and enjoy all club privileges, including a yearly agility clinic with some of the best instructors in the country. Click here to learn more.

BRAC Meetings

The club holds an annual business meeting typically in September, and additional meetings are held as needed with notice being sent through the club email address. Meetings are generally held in the greater Hendersonville area.


Blue Ridge Agility Club does not offer instructional classes.   Click here for a list of local training facilities.

Copyright 2024 © Blue Ridge Agility Club